HOME > GALLERY > TORONTO OPTIMISTS > Various Individuals > Ronn Skip Prokop (guitar) and Frans Rood (sunglasses) coming home (from Hull, . . .
Ronn Skip Prokop (guitar) and Frans Rood (sunglasses) coming home (from Hull, QC, 1963)
Photo by Don Daber
Dave Johns and myself were teaching him how to play chords, We were never in Hull that year, or at all as I can remember. However Ron picked it all up very quickly, and a little while later going to Chicago, he showed up with a beautiful 12 string guitar, rather rare in those days. Ron, DaveJohns and Mark Wicken and myself were going to become a quartet, needless to say, look where Ron 'Skip' ended up!! The rest is history!!
Sep 20, 2008
All I know is that our schedule for 1963 says March 16 in Hull and the negs that I have are identified as afternoon and evening show in Hull, March 16, 1963.
Sep 20, 2008
I guees it is the old age thing, perhaps a show not worth remembering anyway! Thanks Bob!
Sep 20, 2008
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